Page 17 - Annual Report MPBKZN 2023
P. 17
9. Secretary’s Report
Brother M I Khan (Secretary – MPB-KZN)
Alhumdulillah, 2023 has been a phenomenal year at MPB-KZN with lots of success. Much
effort has been put into streamlining and improving on efficiency.
Know your worth O Muslim, live a life of purpose – This statement can be attributed to
a Muslim Scholar and we at MPB-KZN take this statement to heart in striving to be
purposeful in our daily responsibility of rehabilitation of Muslim Offenders.
Office Administrator
In January 2023, MPB-KZN appointed an office administrator to improve the effectiveness
and efficiency of the organization. A major focus is on interviewing, assessing and assisting
parolees/releasees to become integrated back into society. This allows our Ameer, Mln SA
Asmal, to focus on strategic issues and greater interaction with stakeholders.
Zonal Cordinators Programme
Our Zonal Coordinators programme has reached new heights. Proof of which can be seen
in the Roadshow which was conducted prior to our AGM. The ZCs together with their SCWs
are an integral part of the implementation of daily activities and have successfully improved
the performance of spiritual care. We also view this important development of Zonal
Coordination as part of our succession planning process.
Ramadhaan 2023/1445
The month of Ramadhaan is the most important month of the Islamic calendar. This is a
month of spiritual upliftment for all Muslims. That is why MPB-KZN strives to maximise on
programmes within the Correctional Centres.
Pre-Ramadhaan Workshops
The annual Pre-Ramadhaan workshops at the various correctional centres throughout KZN
proved very successful, with Zonal Coordinators facilitating with DCS in their management
These workshops are directed to the DCS members to create a better understanding of
Islam and provide them with guidelines to manage the Muslim offenders during Ramadhaan.
Ramadhaan Feedback
A Post-Ramadhaan Feedback meeting was held which was attended by DCS Director
Development & Care and Chaplains.This was well received and allowed MPB KZN the
opportunity to outline successes and challenges faced during Ramadhaan 2023.
The process of brainstorming at the Feedback session resulted in many positive outcomes
from all attendees to improve services going forward. This is an example of collaboration
between DCS and MPB to achieve the common goal of Rehabilitation of Offenders. Besides
the annual Ramadhaan programme we have included the following programmes to assist
with maintaining spirituality amongst offenders in our process of rehabilitation:
• Ashura
• Eid Ul Fitr
• Eid Ul Adha(Udhiya)
• Seerah(Rabi Ul Awwal)
These programmes were well received and our SCW’s have reported a positive impact on
Muslim offenders.
19 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday 14 October 2023 / 28 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1445 P a g e 17 | 32