Page 18 - Annual Report MPBKZN 2023
P. 18
Ramadhaan 2023 Statistics:
No. of Total no. Total no. of Total no.
Management Area participating Total no. of Fasting of meals of
CCs Rooms Offenders provided visitors
1 (5
Durban 11 (14 Individual*) 624 5940 108
Kokstad 6 13 (220 Individual*) 300 383 24
Empangeni 5 4 (43 Separate**) 121 40 0
Pietermaritzburg 3 4 92 360 0
Glencoe/Ncome 9 10 197 65 35
Waterval 6 5 (5 Separate**) 64 250 0
47 (234 Individual)
TOTAL 30 1398 7038 167
(48 Separate)
• * Individual – Offenders at Kokstad C Max and Westville (Female)
• ** Separate – Offenders not housed in Fasting Rooms.
Crime Prevention Programmes:
Alhamdulillah, MPB-KZN has introduced a ‘Crime Prevention’ programme focused on
schools and Darul Ulooms. We believe that prevention is better than cure and we aim to
implement the programme in all six zones in Kwa-Zulu Natal.
Parolee Programmes
Our parolee programme takes place 3 times a year where paroles get to meet each other
and discuss their successes and challenges. This helps to motivate parolees to continue to
strive to become a law abiding citizen and responsible member of their families.
Success Stories
Upon release, parolees & releasees are interviewed and an assessment is used to guide
and motivate them to continue their rehabilitation with AfterCare support.
Some have gone on to become entrepreneurs whilst others have gained the necessary
skills to be gainfully employed.
Recruitment of New SCWs:
❖ 5 Spiritual Care Workers were approved at Westville CC. there is still a need for 3
more SCWs at Westville.
❖ Awaiting approval for 1 SCW at Qalakabusha & 1 at Eshowe.
❖ Application being done for a SCW at Estcourt CC.
❖ We are busy vetting 2 SCW’s for the Pietermaritzburg Management area.
❖ 2 applications for SCWs in process in Newcastle Management area.
❖ Ideal number of Muslim Spiritual Care Workers required (1440/30) = 48 SCW’s
The table below provides a overview of the number of offenders and SCWs in the different
Amid many challenges faced, MPB-KZN is satisfied with the results achieved this year. As
an organisation we have adopted a culture of continuous improvement in the services that
we provide to our beneficiaries. As such, in the coming year we will look at new ways to
19 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday 14 October 2023 / 28 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1445 P a g e 18 | 32