Page 7 - Annual Report MPBKZN 2023
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3. Annual General Meeting Programme

                   Date:      Saturday 14 October 2023 / 28 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1445
                   Time:      09:00 – 14:30 InshaAllah
                   Venue:   Nofta Hall - 7B Nightingale Street, Lennoxton, Newcastle

                                        REGISTRATION & TEA: 08:45 – 09:25

                                             SESSION ONE: 09:30 - 11:30
                          ITEM                      PRESENTER              DESIGNATION                TIME

           PROGRAMME DIRECTOR: Mln S A Asmal
           1.  Qiraat – Recitation from the      Hafiz M Parak                   Hafiz            09:30 - 09:40
              Quraan Al Kareem
           2.  Welcome & Opening Remarks      Mln R Ravat                   Deputy Ameer          09:40 - 09:50

           3.  Zikr                              Mln A A Maluleke             Volunteer           09:50 - 10:00

           4.  Message: NMPB-SA                  Mln M A Khatieb              NMPB-SA             10:00 - 10:10
           5.  Message: DCS                      Rev M Makhatini           D: Spiritual Care     10:10 – 10:25

           6.  Message: Board of Governor’s  Br M Mahomedy               Board of Governors      10:25 – 10:35

           7.  Minutes of AGM 2022               Br M I Khan                  Secretary          10:35 – 10:45
           8.  Chairman’s (Ameer’s) Report       Mln S A Asmal                  Ameer            10:45 – 10:55

           9.  Treasurer’s Report                Br Z Kharwa                  Treasurer           10:55 - 11:05

           10. Secretary’s Report                Br M I Khan                  Secretary           11:05 - 11:30
                                                  Break 11:30 – 11:45

                                             SESSION TWO: 11:45 - 13:00
           PROGRAMME DIRECTOR: Mln S Kajee

           11. Reflections - DCS                 DCS                                              11:45 - 11:55

           12. Reflections                       Guest                                            11:55 - 12:05
                                                 Shaffie Mthethwa
           13. Success stories                                                                    12:05 - 11:20
                                                 Mln Saeed Ncane
           14. Summary, acknowledgements         Mln S Kajee                      ZC              11:20 - 12:30
              and Vote of Thanks
           15. Naseeha and Du’a                                                                   12:30 - 12:45

                                                    CLOSURE: 13:00

                                       Zohar Azaan & Salaah:      13:10 – 13:30
                                                  Lunch: 13:30 – 14:30

               SUBJECT TO CHANGE

                      “He who guides to something good will have a

                          reward similar to that of its doer. (Hadith)

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