Page 27 - Annual Report MPBKZN 2023
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1.3. Success story - Shaffie Mthethwa
My name is Shaffie Mthethwa Issa. I grew up with a single mother who struggled to get
our basic needs. I grew up in a Muslim family and I thank Allah I was able to attend
Madrassa where I learnt more about Islam. I was also able to practice it. I never missed
Salaah. Couldn’t eat food or take money before finding out if it was Halaal or not. I
remember one time during the payphone days, I placed my coin and later it started
throwing out more coins, but I couldn’t take any as it was haraam to do so.
Life started changing in my mid-twenties. When I started meeting different people who
influenced my behavior. I started doing bad things, robbery to be specific. I can’t
however blame them, as it was my choice.
In 2010 I was arrested and sentenced. I was somewhat forced to become a 26 in prison.
The reasons being that I had freedom to do whatever I wanted. The positive was, it
created a conducive environment for me to get a place to teach people about Islam and
care for them. I have been in most of the prisons in KZN, including Kokstad prison, the
worst in KZN. When I was in Waterval prison, I was privileged to meet the Spiritual care
worker, Moulana Ravat, who inspired us every week. He told me to meet him once I
come out of prison. Which I did. Thanks to Allah for my time in prison because I learnt
a lot and also managed to preached to them about Islam which couldn’t be done outside.
Once you out of prison it’s not easy to adapt in society, because some people will be
judging you about your past. To get a job once you have a criminal record is a challenge.
But despite the challenges, I kept my head up and focused on the positive.
I approached a brother who knew I was good in selling cars. He gave me one car,
commission based. I built myself up until I had two cars. During corona things became
tough. I sold one car to provide for my family. The other I sold to open a business.
Having insufficient funds, I approached Mln Ravat, who, via the Muslim Prison Board
assisted me with equipment and furniture for my business. It was through this
assistance, the dream of having my own business became a reality. The business is
running to this day and I am extremely grateful to the Muslim Prison Board for not
judging me and affording me and opportunity to stand on my own two feet and make a
make a halal living and providing for my family. For now, it provides for my basic needs,
however, I am hopeful it will grow to a point where I can assist others.
I would also like to acknowledge Brother Imraan Moola. Who despite knowing my past,
has never judged me and always assist me wherever possible.
May The Almighty take the Muslim Prison Board from strength to strength and allow
them to continue the sterling work they doing. Aameen.
19 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday 14 October 2023 / 28 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1445 P a g e 26 | 32