Page 31 - Annual Report MPBKZN 2023
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16. Commonly used Islamic / Arabic terms
Aafiyah Safety/ protection
Alhumdu lillah Praise be to Allah
Alaihis Salaam (AS) Peace be upon him
Aalim Muslim Theologian
Ameer Group leader
Aqeedah Belief
Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi
Wa Barakaatuhu May Peace, Blessings and Mercy of Allah be upon you
Darul Ulooms Islamic Institutions of higher learning
Dawah Islamic awareness
Du’a Supplication
Hajee Title of respect for one who has performed Haj (Pilgrimage)
Halaal Permissible within Islamic Law
Imaam Muslim Prayer leader
Imaan Faith
InshaAllah Allah (God) willing
Jamiatul Ulama Council of Muslim Theologians
Madrassah Learning institute
Masjid (Masaajid) Mosque (Mosques)
Moulana Title to a Muslim Theologian
Mufti Title conferred to a Muslim Scholar who issues Islamic verdicts
Nabi Prophet
Naseehat Advice
Qiraat Recitation of the Noble Quraan
Quraan Kareem Divine Revealed Book for Muslims
Radhiyallahu Anhu May Allah be pleased with him
Ramadhaan Blessed month of Fasting
Sadaqah Jaariya Recurring charities
Sahib honourable
Salaah Prayer
Salawaat & Salaam Salutation and Peace
Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam May Allah honour & convey Peace
Sheikh Title for Muslim Theologian & Elder
Shukran Thanks
Shura Consultative council
Sunnah Practices /Teachings of Prophet Muhammad
Ta’leem Islamic Education
Taraweeh Optional night Prayer in month of Ramadhaan
Tawba Seeking repentance
Tawheed Oneness of Allah
Ulama Muslim Theologians
Ummah Muslim community
Zhikr Remembrance of Allah
Zohr Mid-afternoon Prayer
19 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday 14 October 2023 / 28 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1445 P a g e 30 | 32